
Marching Lions
The Fairfax Marching Lions are the most visible component of the FHS Bands. Marching season lasts from July through early November, and typically includes:
1 informational meeting for students and parents (spring of the year before)
3 weeks of daily marching band camp, when we learn the bulk of that year’s show (August - start of school)
3 after school or evening rehearsals per week after school starts
5 performances at home football games (and 1-2 pep bands at away games)
5 regional marching competitions (Saturdays)
2+ parades
Concert Band
Concert Band provides the opportunity to support individual progress and extended education in common rhythms and basic instrumental technique, with the intention of preparing students for membership in Wind Ensemble or Symphonic Band,. Concert Band members are strongly encouraged to take private lessons and are welcome to participate in the spring trip. Although Concert Band members are highly encouraged to join the Marching Band, participation is not mandatory for this ensemble.

Wind Ensemble
Wind Ensemble represents the premiere ensemble in the FHS band program and performs the most challenging repertoire available to modern concert bands and percussion ensembles. Members of Wind Ensemble are expected to take private lessons, audition for All-District Band, and perform at Solo and Ensemble Festival.
(Audition Required)

Symphonic Band
Symphonic Band is our second-most advanced ensemble, also performing a challenging repertoire. Members of Symphonic Band are encouraged to take private lessons, audition for All-District Band, and perform at Solo and Ensemble Festival. (Audition Required)

Color Guard
Our guard is an integral part of our FHS Bands Program. They greatly enhance the overall visual effect of our marching show, with choreographed dance, flag, sabre and rifle routines. ANY FHS Student, male and female, is welcome to tryout for a spot in our Color Guard, and no prior experience is necessary! Students with previous dance experience are highly encouraged to consider joining our Color Guard.
Winter Drumline
Winter Drumline is an extra-curricular ensemble which meets from mid-November until early April. Any student who participates in FHS Bands, Orchestra or Chorus is eligible to audition for Winter Drumline. Performances combine intricate and skilled musical passages with high-intensity drill formations. As a competitive unit, the drumline competes throughout the mid-Atlantic region during the winter months. (Audition required)

Jazz Band
Jazz Band plays repertoire drawn from a variety of musical genres, including bop, swing, latin, and funk, and is open to any student who participates in Fairfax Band, Orchestra or Chorus. (All students must be in one of the concert bands, except for piano, bass, guitar, and vocals. Anyone can participate, but a placement audition is required.)